釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah)阿闍梨出家後隱藏山林,在雙溪深山苦修、露天住、不倒單、吃野菜、日中一食。
釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah)阿闍梨 簡介
釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah) 阿闍梨
阿闍梨年輕時便以「默默地靠法站起來」與學佛之人互相勉勵(如《觀清湄映西甲:人間宗教惜珍》書中第83頁有1995年阿闍梨手稿圖片,該書的指導單位為內政部,總編輯為林金悔居士,民國86年出版)。阿闍梨從年輕至2012年以前便已完成各項大曼陀羅,2013年更完成了新年發紅包20年的心願(1994年至2013年,民國83年至102年)。之後繼續進入另一階段的大曼陀羅,2013年啟動世界素食曼陀羅,2018年完成佛陀各部位全身舍利曼陀羅,2019年開啟世界量子元年(親自研發量子運算雲端平台、專利以及各項產品),2022年(民國111年)5月29日(農曆4月29日)成立「虛空如來山阿密寺」(位於新北市石碇區如來山、石碇老街、石碇溪、淡蘭古道虛空中,為雲端虛擬非實體網路寺院,讓人能在網路單純直接修行,更讓真心的人能以自心啟發悟力、提升腦部的運算、認同不同的空間與高等生命),2023年進一步宣揚「阿無旋轉的宗旨」,創作「阿量量子十二密」、「宇宙生命十二偈語」、「生命的轉動」、「宇宙的阿無旋轉」、「宇宙」、「阿門」等詩詞文章作品(可至「虛空如來山阿密寺」欣賞,網址為 https://www.shidingazan.tw/ami-temple.html),預計2023年下山弘法。
從釋湛阿 阿闍梨所作的「阿心法」偈語,便可以感觸到一點點「阿門」的奧妙:
Brief Profile of Acharya Shi, Zhan-A
- Shi, Zhan-A (Chen, Chao-Huang)
After becoming a monk, he lived among mountains and forests hiddenly. During the period of practicing hard in the deep mountains of Shuangxi (a countryside in Taipei County then), he lived in the open air, slept without lying down, ate wild vegetables, and limited to have one meal a day.
The acharya has devoted his entire life to propagate the “Sect of A” (the primitive mystery which is different from Tibetan Buddhist Sects). “Sect of A” is also called A-Gate (pronounced as “A-Men” in Chinese) or A-Mystery (pronounced as “A-Mi” in Chinese). He decides to decrypt Buddhism with science, to experience it with feet on the ground, to practice it with life implementations; and raises the initiative that is “science is life being wherein life being is Buddhist Dharma wherein Buddhist Dharma is the unbounded realm wherein the unbounded realm is the mystery of A”.
There’s a book named “Religious heritage of Hsi-chia, a village in Southern Taiwan”, ISBN:9579859205, which was edited by Mr. Lin, Jinhui, directed by Ministry of the Interior, and published in the year of 1997. On the page 83, it collects a picture of Acharya Shi, Zhan-A photographed in 1995. Referring to the article cited from this book, we know that the acharya already encouraged people who studied Buddhism by the words, “Understatedly relying on the Dharma to stand your life-being up”, when he was young.
The acharya completed various kinds of “Maha Mandala” from his youth age to the end of 2012. In 2013, he further fulfilled his wish of giving red envelopes to the world in each Lunar New Year for 20 years (from 1994 to 2013).
Thereafter, Acharya Shi, Zhan-A continues to make further “Maha Mandalas” for another phase. In 2013, he lighted up the Mandala of worldwide vegetarian foods; in 2018, the Mandala of the whole-body relic composed of full parts of the Buddha Śākyamuni was completed by the acharya; during the year of 2019, he also launched the start-up year of the quantum era over the world (developing a quantum computing cloud platform, several patented inventions, and various products by himself).
On May 29, 2022 (the 111th year of the R.O.C., Taiwan) (April 29th in the lunar calendar), the A-Mystery Temple of Akasha Tathagata Mountain was established by him. It is a virtually non-physical temple on the cloud in the Internet which is located in a virtual space among Tathagata Mountain at Shiding District in New Taipei City, Shiding Old Street, Shiding River, and Danlan Ancient Road. It facilitates people to perform Buddhist practices simply and directly on the Internet; and also assists sincere people to inspire their insight comprehension with their own hearts by themselves, to upgrade their computing ability of brain, to accept the being of distinct spaces, and to realize the miracle of hyper lives.
In 2023, he further propagates the Purpose of the Spin Mechanism by A-Nothing, discloses the Twelve A-Quantum Mysteries; and creates poems and articles such as the Twelve Gathas about Cosmos Lives, the Spin of Life, the Spin Mechanism by A-Nothing in the Universe, the Universe, and A-Men (welcome to visit the website for A-Mystery Temple of Akasha Tathagata Mountain-- https://www.shidingazan.tw/ami-temple.html). Meanwhile, Acharya Shi, Zhan-A also sets up a plan to reach the society to propagate Buddhist Dharma since the year of 2023.
An aspect of the Core Method of A-Sect described in English
A mission is not for propagating some denoted meaning but for propagating something from primitive self regardless a group consciousness;
A redemption is not for saving all live beings but for saving ever-changing selves of the ontology self through some Amoga demonstrations;
An ariya-phala is not for identifying a certificated achievement but for identifying imagination and reality to facilitate the spin mechanism of A-Nothing;
A nirvana is not due to practices or verifications for a status but due to being satisfied with staying all over an unbounded realm without relying on any visible glimmer.
Full aspects of the Core Method of A-Sect described in Chinese
釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah)阿闍梨 西元2010年(民國99年)發心給世界紅包
正覺山阿法寺 釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah)阿闍梨
生命最不可思議、最無上、最珍貴的就是「心」─ 真實的心。宇宙是由暗物質、暗能量、明物質、明能量、心物質、心能量,而成本體性。心的物質 ─ 金剛粒子,佛說:「如恆河沙」;心的能量 ─ 明心見性,佛說:「極樂淨土」。
唯有一種方法,就是尋找宇宙生命本具足 ─ 不生不滅、不垢不淨、不增不減 ─ 遍滿宇宙的物質之心、遍滿法界的能量之心,這種心不是我們所想的唯識心、思惟心、觀照心、精進心、數息心,而是要進入「般若波羅蜜多心」。如此之心,才能覺悟三千煩惱絲,不畏懼生老病死,能解開無量種子,而進入菩提、佛力、佛性、涅槃、法界 ─ 究竟圓滿!
宇宙是由暗能量、暗物質再轉化為明的能量與物質,在明暗中輪迴、生滅、爆炸、撞擊、瞋恨。於是形成宇宙的中心 ─ 「瞋恨」。因為浩瀚宇宙本身就是非常精細的大生命,奇特無比!只是她的系統是以瞋恨之美的有形宇宙。瞋恨是浩瀚宇宙生命的原動力,所有宇宙內的生命及高等人類都是進入這樣的系統。
和平、愛、大同世界、聖道及宗教類信仰性的神、主、上帝、菩蕯等,這些只是人類虛幻的理想與信仰 ─ 古代傳統的道理、宗教至高無上完美的聖理、偉人傳奇的哲理,最終都會轉變成暗能量的瞋恨,只是人類無法察覺,最後進入生命的輪迴、唯識的無明、恐懼的無常。而完美的信仰和名聞,最後是蓋住內心的瞋恨、不平、不安的外衣,生命就這樣在如此虛幻、不實在中度過一生。
曼陀羅 - 石碇映象之美