住 持:釋湛阿 阿闍梨,俗名 陳朝煌 - Shi, Zhan-Ah (Chen, Chao-Huang)
供奉 釋湛阿(Shi, Zhan-Ah) 阿闍梨 收藏的釋迦牟尼佛 心臟原生舍利子
法本無義而說法,說法無識自性源An aspect of the Core Method of A-Sect described in English
A mission is not for propagating some denoted meaning but for propagating something from primitive self regardless a group consciousness;
A redemption is not for saving all live beings but for saving ever-changing selves of the ontology self through some Amoga demonstrations;
An ariya-phala is not for identifying a certificated achievement but for identifying imagination and reality to facilitate the spin mechanism of A-Nothing;
A nirvana is not due to practices or verifications for a status but due to being satisfied with staying all over an unbounded realm without relying on any visible glimmer.
Full aspects of the Core Method of A-Sect described in Chinese
《寶悉地成佛陀羅尼經》是一本演說祕密利群生的法寶,經中如來「以佛眼觀察一切諸有情類。雖在諸趣煩惱穢中。心性寶珠無有污染。德利具足如我無異。然諸有情不知苦因不證樂果。常沒苦海無有出期。是故如來出金剛淨界。而入穢惡胎藏世界。演說法要利樂有情。滅罪生福降伏魔王。成就佛身還住涅槃。畢竟平等無所不至」。作者 釋湛阿 阿闍梨 2023
生生滅滅點線面,無常連續大考驗釋湛阿 詩歌
人生啊!什麼都想要,什麼都想要a.The Reality of Life
b.The Preciousness of Life
c.The Spin of Life
a.To Upgrade the Computing Ability of Brain
b.To Accept the Being of Distinct Spaces
c.To Comprehend the Miracle of Hyper Life
a.The Cryptography of the Life Cosmos
b.The Primitive “A” of the Life Cosmos
c.The Primitive Mystery of the Life Cosmos
a.The Root of Love and Eros in Life
b.The Root of Group Consciousness
c.The Root of Supreme Demon Mystery
a.The Spin Mechanism by A-Nothing
b.The Ontology Property with A-Nothing
c.The Ontology Mystery behind A-Nothing
暗子(即黑洞轉化與暗物質的關係):當微中子的質量,從微小質量到接近無質量時,這時虛幻宇宙、暗物質、微中子會產生反應,會讓微中子質量不會消失,否則會有超光速的問題,所以不會沒有質量。The Relationship between Black-hole Conversion and Dark Matter
While a neutrino is losing its mass from tiny to nearly massless, an interoperation among the metaphysical universe, dark matter, and the neutrino will be reacted, so that the mass of the neutrino will not disappear entirely; otherwise, it will cause an FTL (Faster-Than-Light) issue. Hence, we know that a neutrino never be massless.
The Relationship between Black-hole Conversion and Absolute Zero
While an elementary particle is spinning with its temperature closing to absolute zero, the frequency of its oscillation will be slowly down to stop nearly; meanwhile an interoperation among the metaphysical universe, absolute zero, and the spin of the elementary particle will be reacted, so that the spin mechanism will not stop entirely and keep generating energy.
The Relationship between Black-hole Conversion and Dark Energy
For the whirling of a galaxy performed with the expansion of dark energy, predictly the revolution should be slower for a star farther from the center of the galaxy; however, an interoperation among the metaphysical universe, dark energy, and the galaxy will be reacted, so that the dark matter will prevent the revolution of a star in the same galaxy from slowing down or being stopped.
The Relationship between Black-hole Conversion and Vacuum
Being in a vacuum state, it seems that there should be no particles; however, an interoperation among the metaphysical universe, the vacuum, and the elementary particles will be reacted, so that the vacuum will not be actual nothing, such as the occurrence of quantum fluctuations.
This time, Acharya Shi, Zhan-Ah combines the spin mechanism by A-Nothing in the universe and the spin mechanism by A-Nothing in life (the spin of life--a modern poetry); through an easy-to-know way, facilitates readers to understand and like science, thereby arousing the awareness of life and the universe finally.
The spin of life converts the experience of life into a modern poetry. Corresponding to the physical universe, the interaction from the metaphysical universe and black holes is expressed with the ontology structure of “A”, thereby condensing the mysteries of the vast universe; hopes that empowers each mind, so that actually achieves the effect of converting the energy of life into the spin mechanism of brain-wave consciousness, so as to change a life to facilitate the miracle connotation blooming into beautiful flowers.
清心源1.Quantum、Information Security、Artificial Intelligence
8.Quantum、Behavior、True Heart
9.Quantum、Consciousness、Esoteric Seed
10.Quantum、Universe、Unbounded Realm
Superposition and entanglement are both essence of a quantum. Wherein, the entanglement means that two symmetrical attributes are entangled, and it will collapse and then present a certain observable attribute when being monitored.
The explanation from Acharya Shi, Zhan-Ah for matter waves is as follows. All matter waves comprise wave-particle duality. Taking light waves as an instance of matter waves, they appear as particles when being observed; while they behave as electromagnetic waves when not being observed. The above-mentioned duality can be verified by a double-slit experiment. Thus, it can be deduced that the elementary particles actually have the characteristics of onium, that is, the state entangled by a particle and its antiparticle (entangled state aka bound state in physics). For example, there are normal particles and antiparticles for both of the muon μ- and the tauon τ-, and the entangled states of the two are called the muonium μ+μ- and the tauonium τ+τ- individually. Wherein, the μ+μ- is generated by the collision of positrons and electrons at beginning, and then combined through electromagnetic interaction; while the τ+τ- will decay into the μ+μ- and a neutrino in soon. The muonium and the tauonium are also called “real muon μ” and “real tauon τ”, since only in such state can the elementary particles appear their real physical properties; while their normal particles and antiparticles and the corresponding properties are all the results caused by the collapse after being observed.
According to the guidance from Acharya Shi, Zhan-Ah, we can understand what the collapse is and its causing results through the Higgs bosons. The phenomenon of "spontaneous symmetry breaking" can be observed through the Higgs bosons, that is, the process of transformation from a Hermitian system to a non-Hermitian system. Through this process, a local system will lose its Hermitian symmetry; or there is Hermitian symmetry within the initial state of the local system, but the Hermitian symmetry is broken that is a result caused by measuring the current state, so that the local system is no longer a Hermitian symmetry system. To determine this phenomenon, it is necessary to get a solution from an equation of motion or a Lagrange equation so as to express the differential equation of the wave function of the local system, and then introduce the first-order correction of the perturbation theory to the differential equation, so that the corrected differential equation can be analyzed for determining whether the local system is still a Hermitian system.
However, the above method only demonstrates how to make use of mathematical quantification to analyze the phenomenon of "spontaneous symmetry breaking". In order to effectively understand the difference between “before- symmetry-breaking” and “after- symmetry-breaking”, Acharya Shi, Zhan-Ah further coached student researchers to utilize the combination of quantum field theory, perturbation theory, and Feynman diagrams, thereby observing a series of expected values derived from Feynman diagrams, so as to derive exceptional points occurred with the zero-point energy corresponding to the local system. Thereafter, we can visualize all of the observed exceptional points, and then presents the difference of occurrence probability of the exceptional points before and after the symmetry breaking of the local system.